Photo by Jonathan MacCarthy

Megan Jacobs (b. 1979, American) is an artist whose work explores delicate relationships—the interweaving between two partners in love, the bond of parent and child, and interdependence between humans and the living world.

Jacobs’ work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in numerous exhibitions at venues such as Aperture Gallery, Saatchi Gallery, the Museum of New Art (MONA), The FENCE, Blue Sky Gallery, and the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), among others. Her work has been featured in Adbusters, Musee Magazine, Lenscratch, Feature Shoot, Frankie Magazine, F-STOP Magazine, Fraction Magazine, and other publications. Her Hidden Mothers series was selected for Critical Mass Top 50. Her work was recently published in an anthology of women photographers, Eye Mama: Poetic Truths of Home and Motherhood. Megan lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her partner and their two children.